Words of Wisdom

1. If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”- WARREN BUFFETT

2. “Lost money in market? Remember, in 1976 Ronald Wayne sold 10% stake in Apple for $2300. It's worth more than $110 Billion today!!!”- ANONYMOUS

3. “The stock market is the only place where customers don’t buy when the merchandise is on sale” – ALEX GREEN

4. “If you are born poor, that is not your fault. If you die poor, that’s your fault” – BILL GATES

5. “The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put in your back pocket” – WILL ROGERS

6. “Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria” – SIR JOHN TEMPLETON

7. “When the facts change, I change my mind, what do you do, sir”? JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES

8. “Buy at the wake, sell at the wedding” – AL GOLDMAN

9. “Only two people know the top and the bottom of the market: God and a liar”- VIJAY KEDIA

10. “The market takes the stairs up and the elevator down” – WALL STREET SAYING

11. “We are in the business of making mistakes. Winners make small mistakes; losers make big mistakes”- NED DAVIS

12. “Only a fool thinks he must trade all the time” – EDWIN LEFEVRE

13. “Successful investing is about managing risk, not avoiding it” – BENJAMIN GRAHAM

14. When everyone is thinking the same way, nobody is thinking – GENERAL GEORGE PATTORN, JR.

15. “Don’t buy what is hot- buy what’s not” – RICK RULE

16. “The stock market is like a wife – when you come home, you never know if you are going to be greeted with a kiss or hit with a frying pan” – C. VERN MYERS

17. “The Stock Market is a device designed to transfer money from the impatient to the Patient”. - WARREN BUFFETT

18. “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” – WARREN BUFFETT

19. “When you want to test the depths of a stream, don’t use both feet.” – CHINESE PROVERB

20. “Don’t invest all your eggs in one basket” – WALL STREET SAYING